Thanksgiving begins a season of gratitude each November. It comes quickly and soon passes on to Christmas and New Year’s. But it’s essential to stop and take some time to consider what we’re grateful for during this time of year.
There is much to be grateful for at New Hope Senior Living, and we’d like to express our gratitude to the many people who make our mission of serving seniors possible.
Thank you, Sumner County
First, we’d like to thank the community our residential assisted living facility calls home. Hendersonville and Sumner County have many wonderful people who support our residents and staff throughout the year. Thank you, first responders, who are always ready to lend a helping hand when someone becomes ill or needs emergency treatment. Thank you to the doctors, nurses, home health, hospice, physical, occupational and speech therapists, and other health professionals who work with us to meet the needs of our residents. For all their support, we’d like to express our gratitude to the local medical community and physician’s practices for their unwavering dedication to caring for seniors.
Outings are essential to ensuring our residents are happy and active and a valuable way to keep them connected to the city they’ve called home for many years. As such, we’d like to thank our local restaurants, museums, art galleries, theatres, parks, and social venues that are senior-friendly and welcome the elderly. With the help of these local businesses, we’re able to provide our senior residents with fun, engaging activities and maintain a connection to what they’ve always loved to do.
Thank you, Family Members
As we’re expressing our gratitude for those who support us, we must also thank our residents’ family members. Family involvement is crucial to the health and happiness of our residents.
Thank you, family caregivers, for your support and the time you take to ensure your loved ones are comfortable and happy. Thank you for visiting regularly, participating in care plans, advocating for your loved one, joining them on medical appointments, and participating in activities with us.
For all your support, we want to thank all our family caregivers for spending time with their loved ones and assisting us in making them happier and more comfortable. You are integral to maintaining your loved one’s mental and emotional health as you provide the essential connection and support they need. You are a valuable part of New Hope and our community family.
Thank you, Residents
We want to thank our extraordinary residents. Thank you for selecting New Hope as your home and trusting us with your care. Thank you for the joy you give, your wit and wisdom, and for allowing us the honor of caring for you in retirement.
Caring for our residents is a blessing, and we’re thankful you’ve chosen New Hope Senior Living from other assisted living facilities as your home. When you entered our doors, you came as friends. You have since become family. We’re grateful to be able to care for you daily.
With Gratitude
At New Hope Senior Living, we firmly believe that every senior should have the quality, supportive care they need and deserve in a warm, enriching environment. We are thankful to our community, family members, and staff for ensuring that quality care is always provided. Thank you for selecting us as the Best Assisted Living this year! And to our residents, thank you for allowing us to serve you in your retirement; it is an honor.